CPD Accredited GDPR Course Bundle for Schools

SchudioTV's online training course subscription provides access to three GDPR training modules, appropriate for all school employees: from site managers, caterers, or administrative staff, right through to the IT team, senior managers, and even your Data Protection Officer.

Your Subscription includes ...

Unlimited access to all GDPR courses and resources from GroupCall and upon successful completion of the GDPR e-learning modules, school staff will receive their CPD accreditation and be able to demonstrate GDPR best practice within their roles.

A whole-school approach to GDPR

ensuring effective compliance across your whole school

  • Catering Staff

    It's important for all catering staff within a school to effectively obtain and utilise suitable information on a child (such as any food allergies) whilst knowing how to store and protect it.

  • Admin / Support Staff

    Administration and support staff typically deal with a wide range of data on a day-to-day basis, therefore it is crucial for them to understand best practice procedures to ensure compliance.

  • Caretaker / Site Manager

    For caretakers and site managers, it is essential to understand why site security is one of the first lines of defence against data breaches occurring in schools, and how to improve it for compliance.

  • School Business Manager

    To become fully GDPR compliant, it is necessary for School Business Managers to understand how to effectively manage the procurement process, ensuring all external suppliers are also compliant.

  • Teaching Staff

    Teachers obtain pupil information regularly in both unstructured and structured formats. Knowing how to protect mark books and pupil records is vital, especially when teachers are working outside of the school premises.

  • School Nurse

    For school medical staff, it is vital to understand how to effectively work with a child's medical information, how to store it, and who such information can be shared with.

  • Headteacher

    For Headteachers, identifying how well the school is demonstrating GDPR compliance across all departments is critical to ensuring the necessary interventions can be made to protect student and staff data.

  • Governor

    For school Governors, understanding the importance of data sharing and protection under the GDPR is essential, especially when it comes to using personal email accounts to deal with school data, which Governors often do.

  • Data Manager / DPO

    Data managers face ongoing challenges under the GDPR, particularly around which breaches they should and shouldn't report to the ICO. It is important that they are also supported with effective training.

Watch an overview video of our GDPR e-learning for schools

Package Options

Choose the appropriate price band based on your school size.

Please note that these are the costs for access to all 3 courses (Foundation, Intermediate, and Professional) for an unlimited number of staff within the organisational license. 

How do we enrol all your staff? Once you have signed up, we will enrol all your school staff for you.

Sign up today using the appropriate button above, or contact us to purchase via PO / invoice.

All prices include VAT at the current rate of 20%