4.8 /5

Introduction – What’s happened?
Starting school in Reception class
Starting a new class in September
Starting Secondary school - What schools can do
Starting Secondary School - What parents can do
Starting Secondary School - For Pupils
Starting college - What colleges can do
Starting college - What parents and students can do
Making the most of your school or college website for transition
Next steps ...
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    Lots of good advice

    I enjoyed this course - it was really useful. Lots of good resources and advice.

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    Very informative

    Gives clear information and advice for professionals, families and where appropriate, pupils through all educational transitions.

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    Transitions after Lockdown

    Really helpful - and very useful resources

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    The Big Transitions for pupils with Autism and SEND after lockdown

    Fantastic resources, informative.

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7 ways to support
autistic children

Did you know there are 7 clear steps you can take right now to help autistic students thrive in school? This simple list is a great resource for any teacher and parent with a SEND learner. Sign up now to get a copy of Lynn's own guide!