Introduction to Children's Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and Resilience

Join Educational Psychologist Hannah Morris as she walks through this short, helpful course on how we can all support children's emotional wellbeing, mental health and resilience
Supporting Children with ADHD in School

What you'll learn on this short course

  • 1

    Introduction to children’s well being, mental health and resilience

    • Welcome to SchudioTV!

    • [SLIDEDECK] Introduction to Children's Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and Resilience

    • [WORKBOOK] Introduction to Children's Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and Resilience

    • [WATCH] Introduction to Children's Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and Resilience

This course will help you ...

  • Know why wellbeing and mental health are important to consider when working with children and young people

  • Explore factors that contribute to positive wellbeing

  • Understand children’s behaviours

  • Gain strategies to promote resilience in the children you work with

No risk, no questions asked 30-day money-back guarantee.

How long will this course take to complete? The video content totals less than an hour.

Can I pay by invoice or PO? Yes of course! Join today, or contact us to purchase via PO / invoice and we will provide a voucher code for all your staff to enrol.

How do whole school enrolments work? Join today, or contact us to purchase via PO / invoice and we will provide a voucher code for all your staff to enrol.

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Your Instructor

Educational Psychologist

Hannah Morris

Hannah specialises in the psychology of teaching, learning and child development. An independent Educational Psychologist, Hannah has 13 years experience of assessing children's strengths and difficulties, as well as advising families and schools for how to help with learning, behaviour and development.

Since qualifying as an Educational Psychologist, with distinction, at the Institute of Education, she has gained extensive professional and voluntary experience in areas such as psychology, teaching, special educational needs (SEN), counselling, governance, trusteeship, youth work, consultancy and leadership. As well as undertaking individual case work, Hannah has delivered a wide range of training to schools, parents and foster carers. Topics covered include memory, maths, literacy, bereavement and loss, early years, gifted and talented, attachment, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and autism.

Hannah’s Educational Psychology practice is founded on the principle of understanding and she is passionate about enabling children to thrive in education. Through sharing her expertise, she aims to empower you in further developing your knowledge and skills, giving you more tools for engaging and supporting the children you teach.