A Summer of Sensory Play!
A summer of sensory play!


Ready to access unlimited workshops?
Why not become a Member?

Choose individual membership or whole school memberships to provide unlimited access to all courses and resources to all your staff and exclusive access to a back catalogue of training to use in school as group CPD.

  • Individual Membership

    For Teachers & Parents
    £14.40 / month
    • Individual Membership
    • Whole School Membership
    • Regular New Courses & Resources
    • Live Q&A Sessions & Peer Community Group
    • Certificates for All Courses
    • 30-day access to conferences
    • Unlimited Access to LIVE Workshops
    • Back catalogue of conference talks & sessions for group CPD training
    • Admin Portal to Track Staff CPD

  • Whole School Membership

    Access for up to 10 Staff
    £72 / month
    • Individual Membership
    • Whole School Membership
    • Regular New Courses & Resources
    • Live Q&A Sessions & Peer Community Group
    • Certificates for All Courses
    • 30-day access to conferences
    • Unlimited Access to LIVE Workshops
    • Back catalogue of conference talks & sessions for group CPD training
    • Admin Portal to Track Staff CPD

  • Getting it Right (up to 30 staff)

    Access for between 11 - 30 staff
    £120 / month
    • Individual Membership
    • Whole School Membership
    • Regular New Courses & Resources
    • Live Q&A Sessions & Peer Community Group
    • Certificates for All Courses
    • 30-day access to conferences
    • Unlimited Access to LIVE Workshops
    • Back catalogue of conference talks & sessions for group CPD training
    • Admin Portal to Track Staff CPD

** all prices are inclusive of VAT at 20%

Our other offers include:

  • Schools with up to 10 Staff annual fee £120
  • Schools with 11-30 Staff annual fee £720
  • Schools with 31 - 100 staff annual fee £1,200
  • Schools with up to 100 staff  - £240 per month OR £2,400 Annually
  • MATS and schools with over 100 staff. 

 Get in touch to find out more.

No risk, no questions asked 30-day money-back guarantee.

How do whole school memberships work? Join today, or contact us to purchase via PO / invoice and we will enrol all your staff on all courses and onboard your school quickly to ensure you get all the benefits of your whole school membership.