4.9 /5

Introduction to Autism & Anxiety (approx 5 minutes)
Learning Objectives
The Science of Anxiety (approx 4 minute read)
The window of tolerance (approx 3.5 minutes)
The Spoon theory (approx 6 minutes)
How do we know a child is anxious? (approx 6 minutes)
What is a meltdown or shutdown like for the child? (approx 10 minutes)
Autistic children and joy [Dean Beadle] (approx 8.5 minutes)
Environmental Stress (approx 5 minutes)
Communication stress (approx 6 minutes)
Sensory stress (approx 4.5 minutes)
Emotional Stress (approx 4.5 minutes)
Social Stress (approx 6 minutes)
Cognitive Stress (approx 3.5 minuets)
The Adult’s Response (approx 8 minutes)
Teaching the Science of anxiety (approx 5 minutes)
Teaching Emotional Literacy (approx 8.5 minutes)
Learning to Reflect & Recover Together (approx 6 minutes)
Physical & Mental Wellbeing (approx 11 minutes)
What to do in a mental health crisis (approx 4 minutes)
Downloadable Resources to use alongside this course
Mental Health & Wellbeing for Autistic Children Websites
Downloadable Copy of Links & Resources
Mental Health and Wellbeing for Autistic children - recommended books
Reflection & Planning


4.9 /5

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    Really good.Well done Lynn.

    Lots of ideas and practical help

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    Invaluable course if you want to learn more about autism. Anxiety is something that they may suffer everyday and we need to know the signs to help them before they are on empty. I will revisit this course again as it is full of useful information, hints and tips.

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    Autism & Anxiety

    Really useful, informative and relevant information for day to day use. Lynn puts everything in a way that's very easy to listen to and understand Thank you

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    The title outlines clearly what the course is about.

    The course covers the topic clearly and effectively. It has deepened my own knowledge of Autism and Anxiety and helped me to identify the next steps in my own learning in supporting the students I work with. Thankyou!

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    Informative and accessible

    Simply the most informative course I have undertaken on this subject, being a mixture of science, theory and practical support.

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    Very thought provoking and excellent videos

    i enjoyed this course, it was very thought provoking and there were lots of practical strategies to take away. I really enjoyed the video on autism and joy - very funny, moving and inspiring. The trainer covered a lot of different scenarios really well.

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    Good title wet my appetite to learn more.

    Very thought provoking, made me reflect on how I see behaviour during meltdowns/shutdowns.

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    autistic perspective.

    Fantastic, insightful, and useful information to help support Autistic learners. Thank you!

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    autism and anxiety

    Fantastic course with loads of valuable information

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    Fantastic course!

    Really well thought out and delivered course with lots of brilliant resources at the end. As a parent it confirmed some of the things I was doing were good and helped me learn some new strategies too. Thanks Lynn

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    Autism and Anxiety

    Lots of useful information and resources to support children with anxiety. Well worth doing.

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    Autism and Anxiety

    Great course and very useful information and knowledge to receive Thank you

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    Autism and anxiety

    Clear presented session

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    Helpful for all

    Yes, specific to autism but also helpful for supporting anyone with anxiety

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    Thank you! These courses are simply brilliant! Being a parent of a teenager who has recently received their Autism diagnosis (privately as the NHS wait was simply too long), I just wish I’d signed up for my membership years ago. Then, we would have understood our son more fully, sooner, and had the knowledge to challenge teachers who often saw our son as the challenge and, undoubtedly and wrongly presumed, their behaviour was due to bad parenting. I just wish ALL parents AND teachers could be encouraged to learn about Autism. Everyone needs to learn about this so we can break down barriers and give our Autistic individuals more of a chance to live in an understanding world.

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    Very informative - Total eye opener

    This has completely opened my eyes to our behaviour in supporting anxiety and how we can look at different aspects of anxiety on the whole not just ASD

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    Excellent "does what it says on the tin"


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    Very informative

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    Thank you so much. Feel more connected with what I used to do everyday!

    so many practical, visual strategies.

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    Autism & Anxiety

    This course is informative and interesting. I have found out so much about how to help and support a child with anxieties. This information will be extremely useful to use in school and support parents too.

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    Anthony Bohncke-Review

    A very informative course but would like to see more interaction e.g. questions or scenarios for the participant to answer and consider

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    really good

    Really good

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    Autism and Anxiety

    Fantastic, really helpful

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